Marc LaTourette

eLearning Samples

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Veterinarians with small dog.

Pet Restraint

Performance Support

Demonstration to muzzle a dog. A ready-reference for procedure and considerations.

Customer looking for an order.

Customer Service

Troubleshooting Activity

No order. No Items. Wrong store. Help a customer with a pickup order.

Pharmacist consults a customer.

Pharmacy Drill

Assessment Activity

Survive your first day as a Pharmacy Tech. Simulation to prepare for state examination.


Bill of Lading

Task Simulation

Complete a form for a shipment of hazardous materials. Regulations and rules apply.

Shipping yard

Shipping Name


Lesson excerpt of scenario-driven presentation to identify hazardous material proper shipping names.

Fire extinguisher.

Fire Extinguisher

Full module

Course migration built with Articulate Rise just to see if it is worth the effort. You be the judge.

Caution sign.

Risk Management

Full Module

Property management training for multi-family dwelling. Not my best work, but it looks pretty.

Apartment complex.

Atractivo Exterior

Full Module

Property management training for maintaining an attractive exterior. ¿Puedes entender español?

Screen shot from video.

HazMat Video

Motivation Piece

Gratuitous media. Brief video segment to introduce the course topic and lessons.


A video demonstration of a medical residency and fellowship enrollment process. Learners are prompted to explore the process through contributing persons.


Continuing the activity, learners are prompted to further explore the business partners who support the program enrollment process.


Marc LaTourette

eLearning Portfolio